Evictions & Abandoned Property Auctions

Your tenants have vacated the premises, leaving behind personal property, vehicles, and even live animals. As a property owner, your priority is to swiftly clear the space for new residents. However, navigating the removal process requires caution to avoid potential legal repercussions. When it comes to Eviction and Abandoned Property Auctions, partnering with a certified auctioneer is essential to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and mitigate the risk of legal claims. At Thomas Hayward Auctioneers, we specialize in Eviction and Abandoned Property Auctions, having conducted them in nearly every state across the country. We possess a deep understanding of the intricate laws and regulations governing these auctions, ensuring that your auction proceeds smoothly and meets all legal standards, including the crucial requirement of conducting the auction in a "commercially reasonable manner."

With over 25 years of auction experience, we have honed our procedures to handle your eviction and abandoned property auction with professionalism and profitability. From securing impartial property valuations to issuing requisite notices, from executing strategic marketing initiatives to attract the right audience to your auction to managing the entire sale process and handling fund collection and record-keeping, we oversee every aspect of your auction meticulously. Moreover, we offer additional services such as DMV lien services and vehicle verification to streamline the process further.

In cases involving health care-related items, we ensure strict compliance with additional legal requirements. Thomas has extensive experience handling auctions involving hazardous materials, bio-waste, medical records, and other sensitive items, while adhering to HIPAA regulations regarding confidentiality and proper disposal.

Rest assured, with Thomas Hayward Auctioneers by your side, you can clear your property with confidence and peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.